
An Ant-to-End Solution For Wireless Java

Version 1.2.1

(c) 2002-2010

Erik Wetterberg
Sourceforge project

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The WtkRun task starts a MIDlet suite in the Wireless Toolkit's emulator. The MIDlet suite needs to be packaged for this, that is, a JAR/JAD file pair has to exist.

The task provides the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Purpose
jadfile file this or jaddirectory The JAD file that describes the MIDlet suite. The JAR file is taken from the MIDlet-Jar-URL key.
jaddirectory directory this or jadfile Opens a file-chooser to select a jad file from the directory
classpath string no Additional classes that are needed for execution.
classpathref string no A reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
heapsize string no The heap space available to the MIDlet suite. May be something like "65536", "128K" or "1M". Defaults to the latter.
device string no The device (skin) to use during emulation. The Wireless Toolkit comes with the following devices pre-installed:
  • DefaultColorPhone (also default if parameter is not specified at all)
  • DefaultGreyPhone
  • MinimumPhone
  • Motorola_i85s
  • RIMJavaHandheld
  • PalmOS_Device (requires Palm OS emulator)
wait boolean no Specifies whether Ant should wait for the emulator to exit. Defaults to true. Note that this parameter also determines whether you can see the emulator's stdout/stderr streams. If Ant doesn't wait for the emulator to finish, this info goes to /dev/nul.
trace string no Specifies whether the emulator should display verbose information on the MIDlet in execution. This is basically a comma-separated list of items whose possible values seem to depend on the WTK version. Common options are:
  • class - Displays class loading information.
  • gc - Display garbage collection information.
  • all - Displays all trancing information
Please see your WTK documentation for a complete list of options. Of course this parameter only makes sense when used together with "wait=true".
debug address no Enables remote debugging support. You need to specify the local port the emulator should wait for the debugger on, for example, "8000", and then tell your IDE to start a remote debugging session with "localhost:8000" (or a different host if your really want remote debugging)
if String no Provides fine-grained control over task execution based on a property definition. The task will only be executed if the given property is defined.
unless String no Provides fine-grained control over task execution based on a property definition. The task will only be executed if the given property is not defined.