
An Ant-to-End Solution For Wireless Java

Version 1.2.1

(c) 2002-2010

Erik Wetterberg
Sourceforge project

News | Overview | Download | Setup | JAD | Build | Package | MakePRC | RAPC
Run | Preverify | Obfuscate | SmartLink | Preprocess | Deploy | Sign | History |


The WtkBuild task is an extension to Ant's standard Javac task that primarily sets the appropriate classpath and allows for preverification.

The task sets the following parameters of the original Javac task to useful default values:

Parameter Value
target 1.1
debug true
bootclasspath ${wtk.home}/lib/midpapi.zip, or ${wtk.midpapi}, if specified

In addition to these (and other parameter supported by Ant's "Javac" task), this task provides some new parameters:

Parameter Type Required Purpose
preverify boolean no If set to "true", the resulting class files are preverified.
cldc boolean no If set to "false" then "-cldc" is not passed as a parameter to the preverifier. Defaults to "true".
nonative boolean no Can be used to allow/forbid certain langage features during preverification. If set to "true", then "-nonative" is passed to the preverifier. Please turn "cldc" off before. Otherwise this setting might have no effect.
nofloat boolean no Can be used to allow/forbid certain langage features during preverification. If set to "true", then "-nofloat" is passed to the preverifier. Please turn "cldc" off before. Otherwise this setting might have no effect.
nofinalize boolean no Can be used to allow/forbid certain langage features during preverification. If set to "true", then "-nofinalize" is passed to the preverifier. Please turn "cldc" off before. Otherwise this setting might have no effect.
if String no Provides fine-grained control over task execution based on a property definition. The task will only be executed if the given property is defined.
unless String no Provides fine-grained control over task execution based on a property definition. The task will only be executed if the given property is not defined.