
An Ant-to-End Solution For Wireless Java

Version 1.2.1

(c) 2002-2010

Erik Wetterberg
Sourceforge project

News | Overview | Download | Setup | JAD | Build | Package | MakePRC | RAPC
Run | Preverify | Obfuscate | SmartLink | Preprocess | Deploy | Sign | History |


Setting up Antenna is rather straightforward. The first thing you want to do is either put the Antenna JAR file into Ant's lib directory or your classpath. Then there's a number of properties you might want to adjust to your needs, either in each build.xml file you use or in a global file that is imported in the specific build.xml files.
<taskdef resource="antenna.properties"/>
If you don't want to put Antenna into your classpath, the following variant also works:
<taskdef resource="antenna.properties" classpath="full name of Antenna jar file"/>

Selecting a WTK and APIs for a project

All Antenna tasks rely on a property "wtk.home" that points to the directory where the Wireless Toolkit has been installed. So, if your WTK resides in "c:\Java_ME_platform_SDK_3.0", you need to add the following line to your build scripts:

<property name="wtk.home" value="c:\Java_ME_platform_SDK_3.0"/>
Depending on which WTK you are using, a different set of base and extension APIs is available for your MIDlets. Antenna automatically detects your WTK version and selects APIs according to the following simple rule: The default BOOTCLASSPATH consists CLDC and MIDP libraries for your CLDC and MIDP version with no extension APIs. If your want to change these settings, you can do so by using the following properties :

Property Default Purpose
wtk.cldc.version 1.0 Specifies the version of CLDC to use.
wtk.midp.version 1.0 Specifies the version of MIDP to use.
wtk.mmapi.enabled false Enables or disables the Multimedia API (MMAPI).
wtk.wma.enabled false Enables or disables the Wireless Messaging API (WMA) 1.0 (JSR-120).
wtk.wma2.enabled false Enables or disables the Wireless Messaging API (WMA) 2.0 (JSR-205).
wtk.j2mews.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Web Services API (J2MEWS).
wtk.bluetooth.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Bluetooth API (JSR-82).
wtk.java3d.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME 3D API (JSR-184).
wtk.optionalpda.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME optional PDA packages (JSR-75).
wtk.locationservices.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME location services API (JSR-179).
wtk.contenthandler.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME content handler API (JSR-211).
wtk.satsa.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Security and Trust Services API (JSR-177).
wtk.miapi.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Mobile Internationalization API (JSR-238).
wtk.ams.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Advanced Multimedia Supplements API (JSR-234).
wtk.papi.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Payment API (JSR-229).
wtk.s2dvgapi.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API (JSR-226).
wtk.sipapi.enabled false Enables or disables the J2ME Session Initiation Protocol API (JSR-180).
wtk.all.enabled false Enables all additional libraries (except for CLDC and MIDP) defined for your toolkit.
wtk.midpapi Varies Sets a totally custom BOOTCLASSPATH. Use this property if the set of APIs you need is not covered by the above properties (for example because you are using the system libraries provided another vendor or you have some important additional libraries).

Please note that the properties for selecting a CLDC and MIDP version also set the default values for the "config" and "profile" properties used in the WtkJad and WtkPackage tasks. So, if you set the versions properly at the beginning of your build.xml file, you normally don't have to deal with these values again.

Supported toolkits

Antenna version 1.2.0 has been tested with the following toolkits: For backward compatibility also support for older Toolkit's are included: Sun Wireless Toolkit 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, iDEN SDK 3.0, 4.0 and i730 SDK.

Adding a new Toolkit

You can add a new toolkit to antenna just by editing a text file and adding another. Do like this: First you add the new toolkit to the file autodetext.txt (in the res directory). It should look something like this: #sony ericsson sonyericwtk2;lib/semc_ext_jp8.jar;lib/cldcapi11.jar Lines starting with # are comments. The lines defining toolkits should start with the toolkit property filename and then contain a list of files that are unique to this toolkit. File names should be relative to wtk.home. Then you add a properties file, in this case sonyericwtk2.properties. It looks something like this:
               name="Sony Ericsson WTK2"
The properties you could use are: All other properties will be taken for add-on libraries that will be added to classpath if wtk.[propertiy].enabled is true, or if wtk.all.enabled is true.

Toolkit support for optional libraries

JSR API Support Antenna property Sun WTK 2.5 Java ME SDK 3.0 MOTODEV Studio for Java ME Nokia S60 3rd Edition SDK Nokia N97 SDK Nokia S40 5thed Sony Ericsson SDK 2.5 Sprint WTK 3.3.2 LG SDK 1.3 for Java ME
CLDC version 1.0,1.11.0,, 1.11.0, 1.11.0, 1.11.0, 1.1
MIDP version 1.0,2.0,2.11.0,2.0,2.12.1(2.0)2.0,2.1 2.0,2.11.0,2.0,2.11.0,2.0,2.11.0,2.0,2.1 1.0,2.0,2.1
JSR 75 PDA optionalpda xxxxxxxxx
JSR 82 Bluetooth Bluetooth xxxxxxxxx
JSR 135 Mobile Media 1.2 mmapi xxxxxxxx x
JSR 172 Web Services j2mews xxxxxxxxx
JSR 177 Security and Trust Services satsa xxxxxxxxx
JSR 179 Location locationservices xxxxxxxx
JSR 180 SIP sipapi xxxxxxx
JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics java3d xxxxxxxxx
JSR 120 WMA 1.0 wmaxxxxxxxx x
JSR 205 Wireless Messaging 2.0 wma2 xxxxxxxxx
JSR 209 AGUI agui x
JSR 211 Content Handler contenthandler xxxxxxx
JSR 226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics s2dvgapi xxxxxxxxx
JSR 229 Payment papi xxxxx
JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements ams xxxxxxxxx
JSR 238 Mobile Internationalization miapi xxxxxx
JSR 239 Java Binding for OpenGL ES opengl xxxxx
JSR 256 Mobile Sensor mobilesensor xxx
JSR 257 Contactless Communication rfid x
JSR 280 XML xml x
JSR 300 DRM drm x
Motorola APIs motorola x
Nokia UI API nokiaui x x x
eSWT API eswt x
IAP Info iapinfo x

Using the Websphere Micro Environment Toolkit for PalmOS

Starting from version 0.9.11, Antenna also supports the PRC converter from the
IBM Websphere Micro Environment Toolkit for PalmOS (WME). This converter is needed to generate PRC files for IBM J9 VM that runs on the new Tungsten devices. To use it, specify the WME's home directory as follows:
<property name="wtk.wme.home" value="your path goes here"/>
The current release of the WME already supports CLDC 1.1 and MIDP 2.0 plus some extension APIs. The MIDP for PalmOS from Sun, in contrast, seems to be pretty much dead. Please note that the name of this property has changed with Antenna 0.9.12 for reasons of consistency.

Using Over-the-Air provisioning

In addition to the various Ant tasks, the project also provides a simple servlet for OTA provisioning of MIDlet suites. This servlet is included in the same ZIP file as the tasks. It allows to upload MIDlet suites via the
WtkDeploy task. Once uploaded, a MIDlet suite can be downloaded by WWW and WAP clients. Lists of available suites can be retrieved in HTML and WML. The format of these lists can be modified using a template mechanism.

The following steps are necessary to run the OTA servlet:

  1. Install a servlet-capable Web server, preferredly Tomcat.
  2. Add a new Web application, for example by creating a directory "antenna" under "<tomcat>/webapps". Create a directory "WEB-INF" and a subdirectory "WEB-INF/lib" there.
  3. Copy the "web.xml" file from the "etc" directory of the Antenna source distribution (or from CVS) to "WEB-INF" and adjust it to your personal needs. Copy the "antenna-bin.jar" binary distribution file to "WEB-INF/lib".
  4. You should have a working configuration now. Test it by starting Tomcat and accessing the servlet using a Web browser or the Wireless Toolkit's OTA provisioning mechanism. If the servlet URL is "http://localhost/antenna", the HTML and WML pages are available as "http://localhost/antenna/index.html" and "http://localhost/antenna/index.wml", respectively. When only the directory is specified, the servlet tries to determine the correct version from the HTTP request headers.
  5. Test deployment by running the "deploy" sample (modify "build.xml" first).
  6. To create your own layout for the pages, copy the two files from the "res" directory of the Antenna source distribution (or from CVS) to "WEB-INF" and modify them. There's documentation inside the "index.html" file that tells you how to do this.
If you are running the OTA servlet with modified templates, it would be nice if you added a small hyperlink saying "Powered by Antenna" (pointing to the project's homepage) to the bottom of the page. Same if you modify the servlet itself.

A running version of the servlet should be available on my home machine.

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